4/3/18- Hypothetical questions

I have just confirmed with my actors what day I will be able to have them for filming. Well, night rather. On Sunday night we will film the primary scenes at different places, most likely the baseball field and then a house.

Having them for one day will mean I will have to do a few script rewrites but the general overview and feeling will be the same. Working around an actors schedule is really tough, because that means that a filmmaker may have to compromise their vision in order to chose the correct actor to bring their character to life.

This made me wonder, what would be more important to me if I have a future as a filmmaker? Having the perfect actor who brings all aspects of my character's vision to life, and is the perfect embodiment of a character, but having to change the filming schedule and in turn changing parts of the movie? Or telling the story I want to tell without fulfilled characters.

What enhances the movie most? The story, or the people who are telling the story?

My thinking may be flawed, but it's an interesting question to me. Obviously, in this case, I have to compromise, but these are the actors I want.


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